Another KS priest faces 'substantiated' allegation of child sex abuse; What now?

Statement by David Clohessy of SNAP

Kansas Catholic officials are disclosing that child sexual abuse allegations against a long-time priest have been found "substantiated."

The question now is: What will the church hierarchy do to warn others about this child molesting cleric and urge others with information or suspicions about him to call law enforcement?

Sadly, if history is any guide, we suspect they'll do nothing.

The accused is Fr. Roderic Giller, who is still alive (though church officials aren't saying where he is now). His alleged crimes happened when he was working at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Seneca KS.

Frankly, we just don't believe this claim made by Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann on his website:
"While the archdiocese and abbey first received these allegations in July 2004, they were treated at that time as boundary violations would be today. Further investigation was undertaken recently due to updated safe environment protocols and additional information. A better understanding of the events has resulted in the allegations being substantiated."

We in SNAP strongly suspect that another victim, witness or whistleblower has come forward or that some other factor prompted this belated disclosure.

For the safety of kids, we hope that anyone else who saw, suspected or suffered crimes by Fr. Giller or cover ups by church officials will find the courage to talk with trusted sources of support, like therapists, police, prosecutors, loved ones or support groups like ours - not Catholic officials.

Remember: This cleric is still alive. He might be prosecuted and kids might be protected. But only if caring adults speak up now.

Fr. Giller, a Benedictine, retired in 2013 and worked at parishes and church institutions in these Kansas towns: Hiawatha, Sabetha, Fidelity, Seneca, Wathena, Troy, Bendena and Atchison.

An Atchison native, he reportedly studied at St. Benedict's College and Maur Hill Prep School.

As of two weeks ago, he was posting on line:


Ex Kanakuk Kamp staffer arrested for child sex abuse


Thurs. 5/16, 1pm KC MO presser-New abuse suit filed v. Christian boarding school